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Hosting my blog on Google App Engine with Letsencrypt

Editing my last post in Octopress was such a pain that I decided to switch the blog over to Hugo. While doing that, I decided that the yak stack wasn’t deep enough and that I should be moving my blog to https in the process. Here is my story (and links to automation shell scripts!)

(This is what happens when you give me a pot of black tea on New Year’s Day after 6 hours of sleep!)

The Yaks

I was hosting this blog on Amazon S3 - it’s static files, so that seemed reasonable. However, you can only host non-https sites on S3 - to get https, you have to use Cloudfront, and then that would require that cloudfront talks to S3 over http - that’s pretty ridiculous.

My colleague Carl found a great solution, though: If you write a tiny amount of configuration, and a go file containing package dummy, you can get Google App Engine (GAE) to host your weblog’s static files on their infra, with a reasonable HTTPS story!

All that you need now is an SSL certificate, and hey - letsencrypt gives you free certificates with reasonable (and most importantly, automatable) processes - perfect!

Getting that SSL Certificate

The default letsencrypt client expects to run on your web server as root. Google app engine however doesn’t give you any of that - you get no web server, no code exec and most certainly no root.

This sounds displeasingly impossible, but thankfully, we don’t have to use the letsencrypt client, except to set up an account. Once I had the private key file, I used by Lukas Schauer to automate the SSL certificate issuance process.


This is how letsencrypt operates (they have a really really good technical document too, so feel free to skip this section): They first check that you have access to the domain that you request the certificate for, by providing you a challenge URL and response body that they expect to get back when they hit that URL. Once they can see the right response (with a timeout), they issue a certificate for your private key.

The Automation Caper

With google app engine, we can deploy web apps, so I initially wrote a little go program that would respond to these requests and kept it under source control. This wasn’t great for a number of reasons, and the biggest one was that I had to copy/paste these tokens back and forth - a toilsome process.

Now, has a “hook” facility for the certificate issuance process: It calls a shell script or function for every step of the challenge/response flow. Writing the script to do the right thing was pretty trivial, and this is what it does (follow the links if you like bash scripts):

All this is held together by a kinda convoluted Makefile - here are the most important targets:

  • make deploy calls this script to generate the latest HTML, and deploy the app to GAE.
  • make certificates calls with the right arguments and should allow me to renew the certificates that I created once they are closer to expiring (2016-03-31!)

Annoying Things That Cost Me Way Too Much Time

Two things in this setup were really pretty frustrating:

One, requires a perl program to extract your regular letsencrypt client’s private key into usable format (they store its RSA parameters in JSON, everything else under the sun expects the key format to be PEM).

This perl program requires Crypt::OpenSSL::Bignum and ::RSA, which were serious pains to install under El Capitan. What I ended up doing was install openssl from homebrew and link the headers (which they place out of the way) into place so that the install process could find them, like so:

ln -sf /usr/local/opt/openssl/include/openssl/ /usr/local/include/openssl

With the symlink in place, these two modules could install, and I could finally convert the private key to the right format. (Finding the right combination of cpan and file system things took me about an hour, ugh.)

Conclusion: letsencrypt, your client’s private key format sucks & converting it into anything remotely useful is annoyingly difficult.

The second frustrating/unfamiliar thing that cost me time was that if you have two GAE apps (one for a live blog and one for a “test” blog) and a certificate that covers both blogs’ domains, you have to upload the same certificate to both apps so that the GAE custom domain picker can even refer to it.

Conclusion: The GAE SSL cert upload form is convoluted and annoying, and I really want an API for this.

How well does it work?

I could bring my blog up under SSL within less than 4h, and that included a bunch of hacking. If you use the automation scripts and tricks for avoiding pitfalls I mentioned above, you should be able to get this running in far less time (I hope)!1

My weblog’s git repo is here. If you do use this, please let me know how it goes!

  1. I’ll probably write an update full of screams of frustration if cert renewal time comes and everything fails.2 ↩︎

  2. …but you won’t be able to read that update because my blog’s SSL config will be broken. So it goes! (-: ↩︎