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Tag: gmail

Better filters for gmail with google apps scripts

At my workplace, we use github pretty extensively, and with github, we use organization teams. They allow assigning permissions on different repos to groups of people, but, are a really great way of @-mentioning people. This is wonderful, but sadly, github doesn’t make it easy for gmail filters to tell the difference between an email notification that you got because it was interesting to you, or because somebody sent a heads-up @-mention to a team you’re on.

I thought that was impossible to solve, but I was so wrong!

Write gmail filters in a nice Ruby DSL: gmail-britta

I’ve just finished (mostly) documenting and writing tests for my latest little library, gmail-britta, so thought I should release it to the world as a sort of holiday gift. Gmail-britta is a library that lets you write Gmail filters (hah, Britta, get it?) in a way that doesn’t drive you insane - you write them as a ruby program, run that program, and out comes XML that you can import into Gmail’s filter settings.