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Saved by NixOS Integration Tests, Surprisingly

Recently, tsnsrv has been getting a lot of high-quality contributions that add better support for Headscale and custom certificates, among other things. As they always do when things change, bugs crept in, and frustratingly, not in a way that existing tests could have caught: Instead of the go code (which has mildly decent test coverage), it was bugs in the nixos module!

This was a great opportunity to investigate if we can test the tsnsrv NixOS module, and maybe improve the baseline quality of the codebase as a whole.

A recent blog post series on the NixOS test driver (part1, part2) made the rounds showing off what it can do, so this felt like a tractable project to take on. Here’s my experience with it.

How do NixOS integration tests work?

If you haven’t read the blog post series above, here’s a quick summary: Your nix flake has an attribute set called checks that each define a test. Each test has definition for a set of NixOS machines (built as VMs) and a test script written in typechecked & linted python. Each machine exists as a variable in that python script, and you tell it things like wait_for_unit (wait until a systemd unit is started) or get_screen_text (OCR the pixels on the VM’s screen).

To a jaded programmer, this sounds like the typical e2e/high-level integration test disaster: The environment in which you run the tests can cause variances in how programs interact, leading to such delightful test failures as “Waiting for a thing timed out” (more on that later). But.

Why do they work?

To say I was surprised that, huh, they do in fact not break randomly all that much might be an understatement. I think I have an idea on the factors that make it work so well:

  • The machines constructed by the test framework are extremely realistic, running real NixOS. It’s not hard at all to define one. Look at headscale’s integration test - that defines a working machine running tailscaled.

  • The network connecting these machines is extremely realistic. Your machines can see each other and they have DNS entries. They have firewall rules that are effective, just like in the real world.

  • The test driver itself makes use of a ton of qemu’s features. You can OCR text(!), you can simulate plugging in a USB drive. You can reboot the machine, if you want!

  • And despite all that realism, the default setting for software on the machine is “everything keeps running”. NixOS comes with extremely reasonable defaults and has a really well-done integration with systemd. And if you need to deviate from these defaults, you can!

  • But I suspect most of all, the nixos integration test suite gets exercised on a lot of pull requests to the nixpkgs repo, of which there have been nearly a quarter million merged. That tends to take the sharp edges off.

A working test takes only about 1 minute to complete. I was very surprised at that speed.

Getting it working for tsnsrv

So tsnsrv’s nix integration is via a nix flake, which is a relatively new concept in nix; it uses, which is a relatively new library for working with flakes; all that contributes to stuff just requiring a lot of trial and error. I did this to myself, you could say.

Fortunately, it’s not super difficult to come up with the buttons to push to get a running test, but it did take some digging. Here’s the flake-part.nix file that will invoke a test. Annoying bits to figure out included:

And at that point, I had a working integration test that finished in under 50s on my linux machine, and I could iterate.

So then, it was just a few-hours affair to come up with a test that could:

  1. set up headscale
  2. set up tailscale that authenticates to headscale
  3. set up tsnsrv that authenticates to headscale and sets up a proxy listening for plaintext HTTP.
  4. Try to reach a site exposed on tsnsrv

…and that worked: tests passed (and I had tried breaking a few things to see the tests fail - which they did!), so I merged the change that introduced that e2e test.

But oh no: Surprise timeouts.

With this in place, I was confident to proceed merging some more of the great contributions that people made, and the first one I attempted to merge immediately failed that e2e test: The tests said “timed out”. That was two hours after I’d merged the tests, so I was definitely suspicious of the tests themselves: end-to-end tests only do this if they’re very distressed, etc etc.

Reading the test log properly though revealed one line that stood out: tsnet: you must enable HTTPS in the admin panel to proceed - tsnsrv sets up a plaintext HTTP proxy! Why would I need to open the admin console? Oh, right, because the pull request I intended to merge changed the logic around plaintext HTTP listeners, and it had a logic bug! (In case you’re wondering, it was a || / && operator precedence bug.)

That timeout was a legitimate inability for tsnsrv to come up properly.

So, within 2 hours of setting up end-to-end tests, they had caught a legitimate regression.

In summary: I’m a fan.

I’ve only been using it for a few days now, but as of now I’m a huge fan of the NixOS integration testing library. It’s definitely the most pleasant (if still a bit idiosyncratic) end-to-end testing framework I’ve used so far. It seems to be pretty easy to control for timing/race condition errors and best of all, it’s already caught a bug that I would not have found for months.