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Building a golang program with cgo

Recently, I needed to debug a particularly nasty interaction between two programs, one of which was a go tool. To get further in understanding the issue, I had to compile a little test program with cgo, the dreaded (by go programmers) compilation mode that allows go programs to call C code. Unfortunately, it’s a bit difficult to find out what to concretely do in order to build a program with cgo.

As with all semi-taboo knowledge1, there seems to be a strong reluctance in the respective community to providing straightforward guidance on how do what you want (in this case, build a program with cgo which is discouraged and intensely disliked but is an integral part of building several popular & working go programs). Well, we’ll show them!

There are two main things you need to do: First, explicitly opt out of disabling the usage of the cgo compiler by setting CGO_ENABLED=1 on the compiler’s process environment. (This defaults to on, but your environment might have it turned off! Best to explicitly enable it.)

Second, you also have to provide the compiler a reason in code to compile your code with cgo: You have to make an FFI call into C. The easiest way that Andrew pointed me at is to use call a no-op C function from a go init() function.

This looks like the following:

package main

int dummy(void) { return 42; }
import "C"

func init() {

In order to make a program that can optionally be compiled with cgo and the native go complier, I structured the cgo-enabling parts such that the init function above lives in a file enablecgo.go, and starts with a line that says // +build enablecgo. You can find the whole source code in my bug report repro repo.

To build the app from that repo, you use the following commandlines:

  • without cgo (native go compiler): go build ./
  • with cgo: env CGO_ENABLED=1 go build -tags enablecgo

If you landed on this page, I hope it can help you get further in your debugging journey, and hope that the pain stops soon.

  1. Like the existence of nonguix if you want to use non-free software in Guix; choice tagline being “Please do NOT promote or refer to this repository on any official Guix communication channels”, which already tells you that stuff is juicy and there will be tons of terrible drama if it’s brought up. ↩︎